Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the burning prairie

Authors note: This is for the prairie "mini field trip" and I am focusing on thesis and introductions.

If you where in 5th hour A day Academy you may have seen it. It raged with power and awe. It ravaged the land. The thing I am speaking of is the prairie burn. I think it is one of the most interesting things I have seen.

I used to wonder why the would burn a prairie. Now I realize that it is for the environment. To help the prairie, and to feed it.

The proses is fairly simple. First you need a permit. Then they take a prairie and set up a firebreak around it, this is an area where the fire has a hard time burning. This will slow or stop the fire from burning too far. Then you set both ends on fire so they burn out in the middle.

When the burn is over the fire will have burned all of the plants to the ground and it will be all black. It also destroyed small trees that aren't supposed to be there. Then when the plants grow back they will almost have a kind of fertilizer. Now they will grow back better than before.


"Burn your own prairie safely." ???. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.

"Garden Web." Garden Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job summarizing what happens during a prairie burn, but do you feel we should keep doing it?
