Computer project

How Computers Effect Communication

Did you check your email today? Did you use the internet? Well I'm going to tell you how they came to be.

Before the internet that we have today the internet was called the ARPAnet or the "Advanced Research Projects Agency Network". It was funded by the U.S. military after the cold war. The point was to have a military command center that could withstand nuke dropped on it.

After the modern Internet was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a man named Ray Tomlinson invented the "E-mail" in 1971. Ray was hired by the United States Defense Department to build the first internet in 1968. The first e-mail was sent to a computer that was sitting right next to it! The first e-mail message was "QWERTYUIOP".

Does anyone know what telecommuting is? Telecommuting is working in a place that isn't your office. 2.8 million people in the U.S.A. telecommute and all of those 2.8 million people consider their home their primary place of work.

We could help the environment a lot if everyone in the U.S. telecom- muted. Some things we could save is 100 hours of people commuting, 50 million tons of greenhouse gas, 276 million barrels of oil, 1,500 lives (car crashes), and $700 billion in savings to businesses. Also 40% of Americans (50 million)are working at jobs that they could be doing at home!
Some people use Skype to stay connected to their business. Skype is a type of way to communicate. It is like a video-phone but it's on the computer. Millions of people use it. Skype was founded in 2003. In the first half of 2010 its users were making 6.4 billion minutes of calls! Some times there are 23 million users online at once! It only costs $0.024 per minute to call china!

Technology has influenced how we communicate in many ways including our language. There are about 540,000 words in the dictionary. That’s about 5 times as much as in Shakespeare's time! Some words added in the last 10 years are:
And that's only 5.

According to dictionary .com there is about 15 million searches a day!

Speaking of searches, every one knows Google right? Every day there are 91 million searches on Google. On Yahoo there is 60 million. On msn there is 28 million. On ask there is 13 million.

Dose anyone have a Facebook account? Well a year ago Facebook had 150 million users, and 175 million people log into face book every day!
Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year. There are more than 500 million active users! 60 million status updates happen on Facebook every day.

Twitter. Twitter is a very large social networking site that has lots of users. Many famous people have twitter accounts like Lady gaga, Justin Bieber, Barack Obama, the Mythbusters, Linkin Park, Aaron Rodgers, and JJ Watt. Now I will be telling you who has the most followers, most following, and most Tweets. Justin Bieber has 5,544 Tweets(that's half the size of Pewaukee. The most followers is… Lady Gaga with 6,880,810 followers!(That’s more than the population of Wisconsin!) Now the most following is… Barack Obama with 711,667 people following!(that’s more than the population of Milwaukee which is 605,000.)

Because of the computer 31% of Americans have used an internet dating site and more than 120,000 marriages contributed to them in 2008. That’s a lot of people.

Did you know that YouTube is about 5 years old? Yet people watch 2 billion videos a day. It is a website that allows you to upload videos and watch other peoples videos. Every minute 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.

Here are some other facts.
1.If you were paid $1 every time an article was posted on Wikipedia you would earn $1,712.32...Per hour!
2.IPhone applications hit one billion in 9 months.
3.There are over 200,000,000 blogs.
4.Studies show that Wikipedia is more accurate than encyclopedia Britannica.
5.Wikipedia has more than 15 million articles.

Now do you see how computers effect us? Without computers Google, YouTube, internet, and e-mail wouldn't exist. We can e-mail our teacher to ask about a homework assignment. Anyone can now get tons of information instantly on the internet. You could talk to someone from Japan almost like they are right next to you. People can share information with the world! Communication is much faster and possible for more people than ever before.

History of computers.

Have you ever thought about how computers became what they are now? If so your questions will soon be answered.

First in 1936 the Z1 was invented by Conrad Zuse. It was the first computer, and the first freely programmable computer. It calculated simple math equations. It was a large calculator.

In 1939 the Z2 was the first fully functioning electromechanical computer.

of or pertaining to mechanical devices or systems electrically actuated, as by a solenoid.

Pasted from

The Z3 was invented in 1941. It could do most of the things that a modern computer can, but a big thing was that he couldn't store memory with his data.

Then the Z1, Z2 & Z3 were destroyed in the war. Zuse didn’t get any more support from the Nazi government, because they thought they were close to winning the war and found no need for further research. Zuse moved to Zurich to finish work on the Z4. After it was finished he moved back to Berlin and rebuilt the Z1-3.

In 1943 the military told John Mauchly and John Eckeret to build a computer. It took 1 year to design it, 18 months to build it and $500,000 dollars to build it. By that time WW2 was over, but the ENIAC was still used for doing calculations for the hydrogen bomb, weather prediction, cosmic ray studies, thermal ignition, random number studies, and wind tunnel design. The ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, 1,500 relays, 6,000 manual switches, and 5 million shoulder joints. It covered 1,800 square feet, weighed 30 tons, and consumed 160 kilowatts of electrical power.

In 1946 a $300,000 deposit was given to Eckert and Mauchly to build the UNIVAC. In 1951 the first UNIVAC was complete. It cost around $1,000,000. Then 46 more UNIVAC's were built for business and government uses.

In 1962 Steve Russell lead a team that designed the "space war" video game. It was the first computer game and took 200 hours to make the first design. The game involved two space ships shooting at each other. the good thing about the game was that two players could play at once against each other.

Lastly in 1985, Microsoft announced that they would come out with a next generation system that has a GUI(graphical user interface) and a multitasking environment. It was called Microsoft Windows.(Dose that sound familiar?)

Thanks for reading. :-)