Here is a link to my Rube Goldberg video:
So basicly for my project I didi my project proposal. I researched the topic and found some information. I then typed it in my blog.
After that I colected suplyes for my Rube Goldberg Machine.
When I was finished with my Rube Goldberg machine I video taped it and posted a link on my blog.
Now I wrote this naritive and am now done.
A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that takes a simple task and makes it complicated. Rube Goldberg is also someones name. Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist, sculptor and author. He drew up machines that would perform these tasks in a complicated and funny way, thus Rube Goldberg machines where named after him.
Rube Goldberg was a famous cartoonist, sculptor, and author. He was born on the fourth of July 1883, and on Google every 4th they have the Google thing changed to a Rube Goldberg machine. He would draw comics with these machines in them. One example is the never miss putter. The movement of the arms would spill molten metal on the caddie and he would shout scaring a mole and the mole would jump into the hole and would carry the ball with it because the ball would be stuck on a string tied to the moles foot.
Today Purdue University hosts the annual National Rube Goldberg Machine Contest. Millions of fans see these contests. The winner always appears on a talk show like Jay Leno or David Letterman.
The 3 things that rube goldberg machines need to work are "Gravity", "Energy", and "Mechanical Advantage". As you all know Gravity is the downward force pulling us toward the Earth. Energy as in kenetic and potental. Something has kinetic energy when it is moveing. And something has potetial energy when is has the potential to move like when a bow is pulled back the arrow has the potential to launch. Finally mechanical advantage is the advantage that a machine gives you that makes things easyer. Like a pullie makes it easyer to lift something. To find the Mechanical advantage in something you devide the Input forse by the output force.
Rube Goldberg machines have effected many people and are very cool. I hope you learned something about Rube Goldberg machines.
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